29 July 2007


Churches in areas such as Angel, Islington have a greater than normal turnover in membership. Some view this as negative. Rehoboth Church (Angel) views it as positive. Here is one of the reasons why.

Frank Paul, an upholsterer by trade, was baptized and received into membership at Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street, Angel, Islington in 1891. Barely three years later he moved to Caterham, Surrey. There he was the impetus for starting a new church.

Pool and a handful of friends began a Sunday meeting in his home. Soon so many people were coming they hired Cutler's tea rooms to accomodate the numbers. Within months they were ready to form themselves into a church.

On 9 November 1894 Frank Pool wrote to the church at Chadwell Street, 'We, a few of the Lord's freed people have decided to form ourselves into a church here, and our dear pastor (Edward Mitchell) has consented to come down and see to the formation and to advise us on the matter. So I feel my duty to ask for a dismissal from my birthplace and the people that I love.' Thus what is now Caterham Baptist Church was formed.

May Rehoboth Church (Angel) experience this type of turnover in membership again and again. God grant it.