07 August 2007


Barry King (pastor of Rehoboth Church) and Kester Putman (team member of Islington Gospel Outreach) have been meeting this week to discuss the items that need to be purchased and the things that need to be done in preparation for the planting of the new church at Angel, Islington. The list, as one might imagine, is quite extensive. However, at some point you have to ask what do we really need?

As important as equipment, furniture, publicity, and supplies may be, a church can be successfully planted without them. There are some things, though, which are indispensable. These things are what we really need.

First, we must have seed. Thankfully, God has graciously provided the incorruptible seed of His Word. Second, we must have sowers. Workers must go forth sowing this precious seed wherever they go. Again, we are fortunate to have a group of dedicated workers who take seriously the task of sowing the seed of the gospel in Angel, Islington. Third, we need soil. By God's grace we have been given the soil of the hearts of people living and working in Angel, Islington as a stewardship from the Lord.

Fourth, and most importantly, we need the Spirit. Indeed as the old hymn writer put it, "all is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down." Paul may plant. Apollos may water. But God's Spirit still must give the increase. Finally, we need suffering. Surprisingly to some, suffering is a means ordained by God for the progress of the gospel.

Those involved in the planting of Rehoboth Church (Angel) are aware of the probability of suffering as they fulfill their ministry. They, however, are resolute in their conviction that even those things meant against them for evil God will use for good. Suffering will not separate them from the love of Christ but will bring them into a deeper experience of his love as they enter fully into the fellowship of His sufferings.

So then, seed, sowers, soil, the Spirit, and suffering are what we really need to plant this new church. No doubt, we will be able to get some of the other things as well as to do some of the other things on our list. Regardless, we are encouraged by the realisation we already have everything we really need.