Though independent in its own sphere, Rehoboth Church enjoys meaningful inter-church fellowship through the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East). Rehoboth Church affirms, along with our associated sister churches, the following doctrinal basis:
The Scriptures reveal that there is but one God; that there are Three Persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; and that these Three Persons are equal in Eternity, Substance, Power and Glory.
In the fullness of time God sent forth His Son, ever subsisting in Essential Deity; Who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, and was born of the Virgin Mary; so that our Lord Jesus Christ is very God and very man in one Complex Person.
Eternal and personal election unto salvation.
The fall of mankind in Adam - their guilt and condemnation - together with their entire and universal depravity, by which they were utterly alienated from God, and are unable in and of themselves to turn to him.
Particular redemption by the vicarious sacrifice of Christ.
Justification by grace, through faith, by the imputed righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Regeneration and sanctification by the direct agency of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of Divine Truth; and that saving faith is the sovereign and gracious gift of God.
The absolute necessity for a holy life, as the result of true faith and the evidence of regeneration.
The final perseverance of true believers.
The inerrancy of the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, as originally given, their full verbal inspiration by God and their supreme authority as the only rule of faith and practice.
The resurrection of the dead, and the universal judgment.
The everlasting punishment of the wicked, and the everlasting happiness of the righteous.
The duty of preaching the Gospel to every creature of the fallen race of Adam.
The necessity of baptism by immersion, on a profession of repentance and faith, in order to receive Church fellowship and admission to the Lord's Table.
The congregational order of the churches.
The personal and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ.