21 July 2007


In the introduction to his extraordinary book, Anointed Expository Preaching, Dr. Stephen Olford quotes Carl J. Sanders on the primary position of preaching in the work of the ministry.

"In the multiple roles of a pastor, his identity as a "preacher" may be lost; the quality of his preaching may decline as he fills other functions and neglects the disciplines required for effectual preaching; and confidence in the superior efficacy of preaching may fade as other ministries appear to be more redemptive ... History proves, however, that the church can exist without buildings, without liturgies, without choirs, without Sunday Schools, without professional clergymen, without creeds, without even women's societies. But the church cannot possibly exist without preaching the Word. Preaching has power like nothing else the church has or does. Moreover, preaching reaches more people than anything else the preacher can do, whether it is teaching, visiting, administrating, or counseling ... The time has come to restore preaching to its rightful place, its primary position in the work of the ministry. In preaching there is power! The power of the Spirit is the power of the Word. As the Word is proclaimed, the Spirit is busy working in the mind and heart of the hearer."

Rehoboth Church (Angel) will give priority to the preaching of the Word of God. Those who attend our services can expect systematic verse-by-verse ministry each week. In the beginning we may not have a lot of other programs and ministries in place. But, rest assured of this one thing, we will have the Word of God. We will preach it. We will believe it. We will obey it and our lives will be changed thereby.