19 July 2007


Rehoboth Church is an evangelical church. As such we have a high view of Scripture which results in a distinct view of God and the gospel. As the new congregation in Angel, Islington is planted our pastor, Barry King, will be teaching two classes intended to help participants grasp the truths of Scripture in these two vitally important areas. The first class, "Introducing the God of the Bible," is scheduled to begin 4 September 2007 at 7:30 pm. The schedule will look something like this:

04 September 2007:

11 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is the one and only true God.

18 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is good.

25 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is the God of the whole earth.

02 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is active.

09 October 2007:
The God of the Bible has revealed himself through Jesus Christ.

16 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is just.

23 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is merciful.

The second class, "Explaining the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ," should begin 6 November 2007. The schedule for this class will be posted at a later date.

Each class session will last for one hour and will be followed by a time of fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee. Please make plans to attend these classes and to invite others to come along with you. We'll be looking for you.