29 August 2007

21 August 2007
The predecessor (Mount Zion Baptist Church later called Angel Baptist Church) of Rehoboth Church (Angel) in the chapel on Chadwell Street had a rich and varied history. In the first 100 years of her history 10 men were called out of the church to serve the churches of London and the surrounding area as lay preachers. During the same time frame another 23 men were called out of the church to serve as pastors. One of these men (Mr. Hutchinson) left the church at Chadwell Street in 1901 to serve as pastor of the Strict Baptist Church on Park Ridings, Wood Green. This is the present day location of Rehoboth Church (Wood Green). In addition, the church sent out 10 missionaries to serve on the foreign mission field. Truly this church had a profound impact on the spread of the gospel in London and beyond. Lord, do it again.
15 August 2007

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. Hebrews 6:10
For the past several weeks Aime Patrick has faithfully served the Lord as a member of the Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team. As he prepares to leave London for a well-deserved break tomorrow, it's only fitting for us to pass along our thanks to this fine young man. We look forward to his return and to continued service together in Rehoboth Church (Angel).
14 August 2007
Q&A: What Are Some of the Hymns You Will Sing?
Rehoboth Church (Wood Green) is a singing church. We pray the new congregation in Angel, Islington will be as well. Though we sing a variety of music, our favorite hymns would include:
Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound
Before the Throne of God Above
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Holy, Holy, Holy
I Cannot Tell Why He Whom Angels Worship
O Lord My God, When I in Awesome Wonder
To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
When Peace Like a River Attendeth My Way
When We Walk With the Lord
We trust you are planning to come and worship the Lord with us. The first service is 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am.
Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound
Before the Throne of God Above
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Holy, Holy, Holy
I Cannot Tell Why He Whom Angels Worship
O Lord My God, When I in Awesome Wonder
To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
When Peace Like a River Attendeth My Way
When We Walk With the Lord
We trust you are planning to come and worship the Lord with us. The first service is 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am.
13 August 2007
Rehoboth Church (Angel) desires partnership in the gospel with like-minded believers in the United Kingdom and beyond. We look forward to visits from special guests such as Geoff Gobbett (Islington Gospel Outreach) on the 30th of September at 7:00 pm, David Chapman (Association of Grace Baptist Churches / South East) on the 4th of November at 10:00 am, and David Higham (Grace Baptist Mission) on the 9th of December at 10:00 am. Hopefully, these meetings will help the new church establish vital links with these ministries committed to the proclamation of the gospel in Islington, the south east of England, and around the world.
11 August 2007
Q&A: What Bible Version Will You Use?
The readings will generally be from the English Standard Version. The explanation of the reading will include occasional references to other versions as well as to the original languages (Hebrew and Greek) in which the Scriptures were written. If you do not have a copy of the English Standard Version, you can feel free to make use of one of the church Bibles.
10 August 2007
On a daily basis the Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team is working in Angel, Islington. As they interact with all kinds of people from all different sorts of backgrounds, they need wisdom from God in order to minister appropriately and effectively. Thankfully, God has said in the Bible if we lack wisdom we can ask him and he will give it to us. Would you consider making a commitment to pray regularly for this team of workers? If you are willing to do so, please email Barry King at barry-king@ukonline.co.uk and he will pass your message along to those who are involved in this effort.
08 August 2007

07 August 2007
Barry King (pastor of Rehoboth Church) and Kester Putman (team member of Islington Gospel Outreach) have been meeting this week to discuss the items that need to be purchased and the things that need to be done in preparation for the planting of the new church at Angel, Islington. The list, as one might imagine, is quite extensive. However, at some point you have to ask what do we really need?
As important as equipment, furniture, publicity, and supplies may be, a church can be successfully planted without them. There are some things, though, which are indispensable. These things are what we really need.
First, we must have seed. Thankfully, God has graciously provided the incorruptible seed of His Word. Second, we must have sowers. Workers must go forth sowing this precious seed wherever they go. Again, we are fortunate to have a group of dedicated workers who take seriously the task of sowing the seed of the gospel in Angel, Islington. Third, we need soil. By God's grace we have been given the soil of the hearts of people living and working in Angel, Islington as a stewardship from the Lord.
Fourth, and most importantly, we need the Spirit. Indeed as the old hymn writer put it, "all is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down." Paul may plant. Apollos may water. But God's Spirit still must give the increase. Finally, we need suffering. Surprisingly to some, suffering is a means ordained by God for the progress of the gospel.
Those involved in the planting of Rehoboth Church (Angel) are aware of the probability of suffering as they fulfill their ministry. They, however, are resolute in their conviction that even those things meant against them for evil God will use for good. Suffering will not separate them from the love of Christ but will bring them into a deeper experience of his love as they enter fully into the fellowship of His sufferings.
So then, seed, sowers, soil, the Spirit, and suffering are what we really need to plant this new church. No doubt, we will be able to get some of the other things as well as to do some of the other things on our list. Regardless, we are encouraged by the realisation we already have everything we really need.
As important as equipment, furniture, publicity, and supplies may be, a church can be successfully planted without them. There are some things, though, which are indispensable. These things are what we really need.
First, we must have seed. Thankfully, God has graciously provided the incorruptible seed of His Word. Second, we must have sowers. Workers must go forth sowing this precious seed wherever they go. Again, we are fortunate to have a group of dedicated workers who take seriously the task of sowing the seed of the gospel in Angel, Islington. Third, we need soil. By God's grace we have been given the soil of the hearts of people living and working in Angel, Islington as a stewardship from the Lord.
Fourth, and most importantly, we need the Spirit. Indeed as the old hymn writer put it, "all is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down." Paul may plant. Apollos may water. But God's Spirit still must give the increase. Finally, we need suffering. Surprisingly to some, suffering is a means ordained by God for the progress of the gospel.
Those involved in the planting of Rehoboth Church (Angel) are aware of the probability of suffering as they fulfill their ministry. They, however, are resolute in their conviction that even those things meant against them for evil God will use for good. Suffering will not separate them from the love of Christ but will bring them into a deeper experience of his love as they enter fully into the fellowship of His sufferings.
So then, seed, sowers, soil, the Spirit, and suffering are what we really need to plant this new church. No doubt, we will be able to get some of the other things as well as to do some of the other things on our list. Regardless, we are encouraged by the realisation we already have everything we really need.
06 August 2007
The first sixty years of Baptist ministry on Chadwell Street, Angel, Islington were years of remarkable productivity. Many came to repentance and faith, a new building was built on nearby White Lion Street to house the Sunday School, and at least one new church was planted. The fact that during this period Mount Zion Baptist Chapel only had two pastors is more than coincidental. The longevity of pastoral tenure under John Hazelton (36 years) and Edward Mitchell (24 years) was undoubtedly a major factor in the growth and progress of the new church. As Rehoboth Church (Angel) is planted in the same building where the Mt. Zion congregation worshipped for so many years, would you pray with us that the Lord would be pleased to send us a pastor whose tenure will be characterized by longevity and productivity?
04 August 2007

03 August 2007
RC(A): Tell us a little bit about yourself.
KP: I live in Highbury, and have been employed as a church worker by the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE), since 2000. Prior to that I spent three years in full-time theological training in S. Wales (where I met my wife, Nicola). Before then, I worked for around a decade in the finance industry.
RC(A): When did you become a follower of Jesus Christ?
KP: Although I had received a New Testament when I was at school, which I avidly read, I didn't begin following Jesus until I was around 19/20 years old. A work colleague, from my home town, began to invite me to the youth group of a local church(http://www.akemanstreet.org/). There I heard simple but profound teaching, explaining the Bible clearly to me. Over the course of a few months I became convinced I needed to take seriously the claims of Jesus Christ. I responded privately, then asked to be baptised, as a public demonstration of my trust in Jesus.
RC(A): You belong to something called the IGO team. What is it? What is your role?
KP: As mentioned earlier, I am based in Highbury as a church worker. This is part of an outreach team called Islington Gospel Outreach, which has been sponsored by the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE). My role is mixed and varied; I have responsibilities as an evangelist (in direct, public outreach and in small-group work), as a Bible teacher (to children and adults), and as an administrator (doing accounts and other paperwork for my home church, (http://www.highburybaptistchurch.org/).
RC(A): You have had some experience ministering in Angel, Islington. Tell us about it.
KP: Yes, during my early years of working in N. London, we relocated some of our outreach work to the Angel area, whilst our own church building was being redeveloped. Specifically, we ran a mid-week drop-in and led Sunday meetings at the premises of Angel Baptist Church, and spent some time handing out Christian literature in nearby streets. I was also privileged to attend and occasionally lead meetings for the nearby branch of "Christians in the Royal Bank of Scotland" (http://www.cirbs.org.uk/).
RC(A): How can friends of this effort pray for you?
KP: I would welcome specific prayer support for the month of August; during this time I aim to help Barry King (pastor of Rehoboth Church) with planning of the overall work, and hope to give some guidance and hands-on support to the team who are daily working in the Angel.
KP: I live in Highbury, and have been employed as a church worker by the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE), since 2000. Prior to that I spent three years in full-time theological training in S. Wales (where I met my wife, Nicola). Before then, I worked for around a decade in the finance industry.
RC(A): When did you become a follower of Jesus Christ?
KP: Although I had received a New Testament when I was at school, which I avidly read, I didn't begin following Jesus until I was around 19/20 years old. A work colleague, from my home town, began to invite me to the youth group of a local church(http://www.akemanstreet.org/). There I heard simple but profound teaching, explaining the Bible clearly to me. Over the course of a few months I became convinced I needed to take seriously the claims of Jesus Christ. I responded privately, then asked to be baptised, as a public demonstration of my trust in Jesus.
RC(A): You belong to something called the IGO team. What is it? What is your role?
KP: As mentioned earlier, I am based in Highbury as a church worker. This is part of an outreach team called Islington Gospel Outreach, which has been sponsored by the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE). My role is mixed and varied; I have responsibilities as an evangelist (in direct, public outreach and in small-group work), as a Bible teacher (to children and adults), and as an administrator (doing accounts and other paperwork for my home church, (http://www.highburybaptistchurch.org/).
RC(A): You have had some experience ministering in Angel, Islington. Tell us about it.
KP: Yes, during my early years of working in N. London, we relocated some of our outreach work to the Angel area, whilst our own church building was being redeveloped. Specifically, we ran a mid-week drop-in and led Sunday meetings at the premises of Angel Baptist Church, and spent some time handing out Christian literature in nearby streets. I was also privileged to attend and occasionally lead meetings for the nearby branch of "Christians in the Royal Bank of Scotland" (http://www.cirbs.org.uk/).
RC(A): How can friends of this effort pray for you?
KP: I would welcome specific prayer support for the month of August; during this time I aim to help Barry King (pastor of Rehoboth Church) with planning of the overall work, and hope to give some guidance and hands-on support to the team who are daily working in the Angel.
02 August 2007

One of the most commonly asked questions of the Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team is whether or not they are Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, some people automatically conclude they belong to the sect simply because they are visiting people door to door. Though the Jehovah's Witnesses do have a presence in Angel, Islington (as indicated by the above photo), the Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team is not connected to them in any way. Our team is comprised of evangelical Christians with a passionate desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. They go door to door not because of the influence of the Jehovah's Witnesses but because of the example of the early churches. They desire to share with everyone the good news of what God has done through Jesus Christ. Thank you for spending a few minutes of your time talking with them.
01 August 2007

The Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team continues to knock on doors in Angel, Islington. Their purpose is really quite simple. They want to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and the news about the new church plant on Chadwell Street with as many people as possible. These volunteers are selflessly giving their valuable time day after day that this new church might be successfully planted. Those who come to faith in Christ through this new church will owe this team (most of whom may be unknown to them) a huge debt of gratitude. Please pray for the team and please make plans to come to the first service 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am. That will make all their work worthwhile.
31 July 2007
Every day thousands of people from throughout our region descend on Angel, Islington. Some come for education (City and Islington Sixth Form College, City University). Some come for entertainment (Sadler's Wells). Some come for exhibitions (Business Design Centre). Some come for food (Upper Street, Islington). Some come for shopping (Camden Passage Antique Mall, Chapel Street Market, N1 Centre). Some come for work (places too numerous to mention). Whatever the reason, they come.
Rehoboth Church (Angel) will seek to be a local church with a regional mindset. We will seek to train and equip Christians living in the Angel to minister effectively to those who come to our part of the city for whatever reason. We aim to have strategically located book tables. We hope to encourage Christian Unions in area businesses and schools. We plan to have lunchtime talks where people can hear clear teaching from the Word of God.
Then, we hope to encourage those who come to faith in Christ while in the Angel to carry the gospel with them throughout this region of the country. Toward that end we will provide training for those who desire to be involved in evangelism and church planting. It's quite exciting to think about what the Lord can and may very well do through this new church. We trust you will want to be a part.
The first Sunday service is 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am. Don't miss this important day. It could be the beginning of something very special indeed.
Rehoboth Church (Angel) will seek to be a local church with a regional mindset. We will seek to train and equip Christians living in the Angel to minister effectively to those who come to our part of the city for whatever reason. We aim to have strategically located book tables. We hope to encourage Christian Unions in area businesses and schools. We plan to have lunchtime talks where people can hear clear teaching from the Word of God.
Then, we hope to encourage those who come to faith in Christ while in the Angel to carry the gospel with them throughout this region of the country. Toward that end we will provide training for those who desire to be involved in evangelism and church planting. It's quite exciting to think about what the Lord can and may very well do through this new church. We trust you will want to be a part.
The first Sunday service is 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am. Don't miss this important day. It could be the beginning of something very special indeed.
30 July 2007
Q&A: What Should I Wear?
As people consider whether or not to attend the first service of Rehoboth Church (Angel) 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am they will undoubtedly have questions. We hope through a regular Q&A segment to address many of the concerns prospective attenders may have.
Q. What should I wear?
A. The Bible does not contain a dress code for church attenders. The Bible does state emphatically that church members should treat attenders the same way regardless of how they dress (see James 2:1-4). So wear what you have to wear. Whether you come in a tie or tie-dyed you will be made welcome. Man looks on the outward appearance. God looks on the heart.
Q. What should I wear?
A. The Bible does not contain a dress code for church attenders. The Bible does state emphatically that church members should treat attenders the same way regardless of how they dress (see James 2:1-4). So wear what you have to wear. Whether you come in a tie or tie-dyed you will be made welcome. Man looks on the outward appearance. God looks on the heart.
29 July 2007
Churches in areas such as Angel, Islington have a greater than normal turnover in membership. Some view this as negative. Rehoboth Church (Angel) views it as positive. Here is one of the reasons why.
Frank Paul, an upholsterer by trade, was baptized and received into membership at Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street, Angel, Islington in 1891. Barely three years later he moved to Caterham, Surrey. There he was the impetus for starting a new church.
Pool and a handful of friends began a Sunday meeting in his home. Soon so many people were coming they hired Cutler's tea rooms to accomodate the numbers. Within months they were ready to form themselves into a church.
On 9 November 1894 Frank Pool wrote to the church at Chadwell Street, 'We, a few of the Lord's freed people have decided to form ourselves into a church here, and our dear pastor (Edward Mitchell) has consented to come down and see to the formation and to advise us on the matter. So I feel my duty to ask for a dismissal from my birthplace and the people that I love.' Thus what is now Caterham Baptist Church was formed.
May Rehoboth Church (Angel) experience this type of turnover in membership again and again. God grant it.
Frank Paul, an upholsterer by trade, was baptized and received into membership at Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street, Angel, Islington in 1891. Barely three years later he moved to Caterham, Surrey. There he was the impetus for starting a new church.
Pool and a handful of friends began a Sunday meeting in his home. Soon so many people were coming they hired Cutler's tea rooms to accomodate the numbers. Within months they were ready to form themselves into a church.
On 9 November 1894 Frank Pool wrote to the church at Chadwell Street, 'We, a few of the Lord's freed people have decided to form ourselves into a church here, and our dear pastor (Edward Mitchell) has consented to come down and see to the formation and to advise us on the matter. So I feel my duty to ask for a dismissal from my birthplace and the people that I love.' Thus what is now Caterham Baptist Church was formed.
May Rehoboth Church (Angel) experience this type of turnover in membership again and again. God grant it.
28 July 2007
The Lord has worked in mighty ways in Angel, Islington in the past. This regular feature highlighting some of the spiritual heritage of our area is intended to prompt Christians to pray, "Lord, do it again."
While the Metropolitan Tabernacle was being refurbished, the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington (now the Business Design Centre) was hired on a weekly basis for services featuring the preaching of C.H. Spurgeon. Some doubted the wisdom of the move as Angel was several miles from the tabernacle's Elephant and Castle location and the Agricultural Hall was three times its size. Nevertheless, in a building that seated fifteen thousand, twenty thousand or more came week after week to hear the messages Spurgeon preached. Countless lives in Angel, Islington and beyond were changed eternally. Lord, do it again.
While the Metropolitan Tabernacle was being refurbished, the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington (now the Business Design Centre) was hired on a weekly basis for services featuring the preaching of C.H. Spurgeon. Some doubted the wisdom of the move as Angel was several miles from the tabernacle's Elephant and Castle location and the Agricultural Hall was three times its size. Nevertheless, in a building that seated fifteen thousand, twenty thousand or more came week after week to hear the messages Spurgeon preached. Countless lives in Angel, Islington and beyond were changed eternally. Lord, do it again.
27 July 2007

Pastor Barry King had the privilege of meeting a fellow Christian in Angel, Islington today. Linda, from Zimbabwe, has been in the area around three years. After they met and visited on the street, Linda accompanied Barry to the park where his wife and daughter were enjoying an afternoon out. She indicated she would visit Rehoboth Church (Angel) when it opens and even volunteered to take tracts with church details printed on them to distribute to her friends. As she left the park, she paused to have her picture taken with the King's daughter, Alison. Alison has a new auntie. Rehoboth Church (Angel) has a new friend.
He (or she) lives in Angel, Islington. He is well connected to the community in which he lives. He stands ready to receive the gospel. He can open doors of ministry to many who live around him. He can interpret the 'culture' of the community to the church planting team. He is there. We know it. By God's grace we will find him. Maybe, today.
26 July 2007
The Islington Gospel Outreach Team of the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East) has graciously agreed to let Kester Putman support the church planting efforts in Angel, Islington in the month leading up to the launch of Rehoboth Church (Angel) 2 September 2007. He will assist Barry King (pastor of Rehoboth Church) with strategic planning and will give guidance to the team working in the Angel. We are grateful the Lord has brought Kester forward for this work. Prayers would be appreciated for him and his wife Nicola. He begins 6 August 2007.
25 July 2007

The Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team is seeking to meet and begin ministering to the people on the streets of Angel, Islington. Many people - police officers, traffic wardens, traders, shoppers, street cleaners, street market stall workers, and the ever present crowds of pedestrians - are hearing the good news. Next week a second team of workers will begin working on the streets of Angel, Islington in the evening time. We hope many of these new friends will join us for the first service of Rehoboth Church (Angel) 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am.
There are more than 1,000 hotel rooms within walking distance of Rehoboth Church (Angel). We are thankful the Hilton, Holiday Inn, Jury's Inn, Travelodge (Farringdon), and Travelodge (Islington) hotels have all allowed the Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team to place information about the new church in their brochure racks. We trust many people visiting London as tourists or on business will worship the Lord with us at Rehoboth Church (Angel). Hopefully, at some stage we can minister to workers in these hotels in some way as well.

Rehoboth Church pastor, Barry King, joined the Rehoboth Church (Angel) Church Planting Team today for a visit to London City University. The university, located within a five minute walk of Rehoboth Church (Angel), has more than 26,000 students. The team visited the Student Union and made enquiries about the Christian Union. The team also saw Studius (student accomodation on St John's Street) and Nido (a massive student accomodation site on nearby Pentonville Road). The strategic location of Rehoboth Church (Angel) will afford the church opportunities for ministry to the many students living and studying in the area.
24 July 2007
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. 1 Timothy 1:15
This verse - the text of the first message to be delivered at Rehoboth Church (Angel) on 2 September 2007 - is good news indeed. Please help spread the word throughout Angel that a church proclaiming the power of Jesus Christ to save lost sinners is being planted on Chadwell Street. Make every effort to attend the first service. It promises to be a very special occasion. You can indicate your intention to attend by means of the sidebar poll.
This verse - the text of the first message to be delivered at Rehoboth Church (Angel) on 2 September 2007 - is good news indeed. Please help spread the word throughout Angel that a church proclaiming the power of Jesus Christ to save lost sinners is being planted on Chadwell Street. Make every effort to attend the first service. It promises to be a very special occasion. You can indicate your intention to attend by means of the sidebar poll.
23 July 2007

The area surrounding Rehoboth Church (Angel) is informally known as the Amwell Triangle. Six busy London streets - King's Cross Road, Farringdon Road, Roseberry Avenue, St. John Street, Pentonville Road and Penton Rise - form the boundary of this unusual locality in the heart of London. Most of the triangle is part of a conservation area with many houses listed as buildings of architectural or historical interest.
Today four students in the Rehoboth Ministerial Training Program began going door to door in the triangle to invite our closest neighbours to join us for our first service 2 September 2007. Though the response (as would be expected) was mixed, the team was generally encouraged. A number of people indicated an interest in the new work and more than a dozen of them supplied the team with their mobile phone details so they could be updated on the progress of the church planting effort through text messages.
The team, which will be working in the Angel for the next three weeks, is making use of the tract "Church: It's Not What It Seems." The tract challenges misconceptions about the church and presents the nature of the true church in a very effective manner. The tract also includes the details for the new church on the back. Look for the team on the streets of the Angel and don't forget to give them your mobile phone number.
21 July 2007

Since Rehoboth Church (Angel) is being planted by Rehoboth Church (Wood Green), you may find it helpful to know a little bit about the history of that work.
Rehoboth Church (Wood Green) began meeting for worship on 15 February 2004. For the first year or so the small congregation met in various locations (a library hall, a Salvation Army hall, a community hall, different houses...) in North London. Then in October 2005 Rehoboth Church merged with Grace Baptist Church in Wood Green, Barry King (who had led the Rehoboth congregation from its inception) being called as the pastor. This merger gave Rehoboth Church a more permanent location and Grace Baptist Church new pastoral leadership as their pastor was taking up another post.
Since that time Rehoboth Church (Wood Green) has known a real measure of blessing from the Lord as they have experienced both spiritual and numerical growth. A ministerial training program seeks to equip leaders for service in the local church and beyond and mission projects have been undertaken in seven different countries. The church now has a mission in Frankfurt, Germany as well as a fellowship in China.
Rehoboth Church (Wood Green) is grateful to God for His blessing upon the church and is thankful for the opportunity to plant Rehoboth Church (Angel). We trust you will join with us in prayer for this effort. Also, we hope you will make plans to join us for the first service on 2 September 2007.
At one time Grace Baptists were referred to as "Strict" Baptists. The adjective "strict" has been the subject of considerable discussion and not a little misunderstanding. What does it actually mean?
Simply put, Grace Baptist Churches hold strict communion principles. That is to say, we believe participation in the Lord's Supper should be restricted to those who have made a profession of saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and have followed him in believers baptism by immersion.
Simply put, Grace Baptist Churches hold strict communion principles. That is to say, we believe participation in the Lord's Supper should be restricted to those who have made a profession of saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and have followed him in believers baptism by immersion.
In the introduction to his extraordinary book, Anointed Expository Preaching, Dr. Stephen Olford quotes Carl J. Sanders on the primary position of preaching in the work of the ministry.
"In the multiple roles of a pastor, his identity as a "preacher" may be lost; the quality of his preaching may decline as he fills other functions and neglects the disciplines required for effectual preaching; and confidence in the superior efficacy of preaching may fade as other ministries appear to be more redemptive ... History proves, however, that the church can exist without buildings, without liturgies, without choirs, without Sunday Schools, without professional clergymen, without creeds, without even women's societies. But the church cannot possibly exist without preaching the Word. Preaching has power like nothing else the church has or does. Moreover, preaching reaches more people than anything else the preacher can do, whether it is teaching, visiting, administrating, or counseling ... The time has come to restore preaching to its rightful place, its primary position in the work of the ministry. In preaching there is power! The power of the Spirit is the power of the Word. As the Word is proclaimed, the Spirit is busy working in the mind and heart of the hearer."
Rehoboth Church (Angel) will give priority to the preaching of the Word of God. Those who attend our services can expect systematic verse-by-verse ministry each week. In the beginning we may not have a lot of other programs and ministries in place. But, rest assured of this one thing, we will have the Word of God. We will preach it. We will believe it. We will obey it and our lives will be changed thereby.
"In the multiple roles of a pastor, his identity as a "preacher" may be lost; the quality of his preaching may decline as he fills other functions and neglects the disciplines required for effectual preaching; and confidence in the superior efficacy of preaching may fade as other ministries appear to be more redemptive ... History proves, however, that the church can exist without buildings, without liturgies, without choirs, without Sunday Schools, without professional clergymen, without creeds, without even women's societies. But the church cannot possibly exist without preaching the Word. Preaching has power like nothing else the church has or does. Moreover, preaching reaches more people than anything else the preacher can do, whether it is teaching, visiting, administrating, or counseling ... The time has come to restore preaching to its rightful place, its primary position in the work of the ministry. In preaching there is power! The power of the Spirit is the power of the Word. As the Word is proclaimed, the Spirit is busy working in the mind and heart of the hearer."
Rehoboth Church (Angel) will give priority to the preaching of the Word of God. Those who attend our services can expect systematic verse-by-verse ministry each week. In the beginning we may not have a lot of other programs and ministries in place. But, rest assured of this one thing, we will have the Word of God. We will preach it. We will believe it. We will obey it and our lives will be changed thereby.
20 July 2007
When the Scottish Presbyterians were meeting for worship in the chapel on Chadwell Street their pastor was Walter Chalmers Smith. He would later write the famous hymn, "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise." No doubt, the old hymn will be included in the worship service when Rehoboth Church (Angel) meets in the chapel for the first time on 2 September 2007. Here are the words.
Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
in light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise.
Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
nor wanting, nor wasting, thou rulest in might;
thy justice like mountains high soaring above
thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love.
To all, life thou givest, to both great and small;
in all life thou livest, the true life of all;
we blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
and wither and perish, but naught changeth thee.
Thou reignest in glory; thou dwellest in light;
thine angels adore thee, all veiling their sight;
all laud we would render: O help us to see
'tis only the splendor of light hideth thee.
Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
in light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise.
Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
nor wanting, nor wasting, thou rulest in might;
thy justice like mountains high soaring above
thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love.
To all, life thou givest, to both great and small;
in all life thou livest, the true life of all;
we blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
and wither and perish, but naught changeth thee.
Thou reignest in glory; thou dwellest in light;
thine angels adore thee, all veiling their sight;
all laud we would render: O help us to see
'tis only the splendor of light hideth thee.

Though a church is not a building (at least not of the bricks and mortar variety) you may be interested to know a little about the place where Rehoboth Church (Angel) will be meeting. It has a varied and interesting history to say the least.
The "handsome little chapel in Chadwell Street," as Mary Cosh described it, was built for Calvinistic Methodists on a site leased from the New River Company. The chapel, completed in 1824, was known as Providence Chapel. The Methodists, though, were not to remain long. They moved to new premises on Rawstorne Street in 1827. That's when the Scottish Presbyterians moved in. Later on they moved as well and several churches made use of the building until the Strict Baptists took it over in 1855. They renamed the building Mount Zion Chapel and built (as one would expect) a baptistery under the floor. In the 1920s a house at the rear of the chapel was demolished to make way for a school.
At some stage the church became known as Angel Baptist Church and sadly closed a few years back. Since then the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East) relocated their offices to the former school building and the chapel was leased to a non-denominational church. Now this church (like the others before it) is moving at the end of August.
Rehoboth Church (Angel) will begin meeting in the chapel on 2 September 2007. We trust you are making plans to join us at the "handsome little chapel on Chadwell Street" as a new page is turned in the ongoing history of this unique building.
Though independent in its own sphere, Rehoboth Church enjoys meaningful inter-church fellowship through the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East). Rehoboth Church affirms, along with our associated sister churches, the following doctrinal basis:
The Scriptures reveal that there is but one God; that there are Three Persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; and that these Three Persons are equal in Eternity, Substance, Power and Glory.
In the fullness of time God sent forth His Son, ever subsisting in Essential Deity; Who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, and was born of the Virgin Mary; so that our Lord Jesus Christ is very God and very man in one Complex Person.
Eternal and personal election unto salvation.
The fall of mankind in Adam - their guilt and condemnation - together with their entire and universal depravity, by which they were utterly alienated from God, and are unable in and of themselves to turn to him.
Particular redemption by the vicarious sacrifice of Christ.
Justification by grace, through faith, by the imputed righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Regeneration and sanctification by the direct agency of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of Divine Truth; and that saving faith is the sovereign and gracious gift of God.
The absolute necessity for a holy life, as the result of true faith and the evidence of regeneration.
The final perseverance of true believers.
The inerrancy of the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, as originally given, their full verbal inspiration by God and their supreme authority as the only rule of faith and practice.
The resurrection of the dead, and the universal judgment.
The everlasting punishment of the wicked, and the everlasting happiness of the righteous.
The duty of preaching the Gospel to every creature of the fallen race of Adam.
The necessity of baptism by immersion, on a profession of repentance and faith, in order to receive Church fellowship and admission to the Lord's Table.
The congregational order of the churches.
The personal and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures reveal that there is but one God; that there are Three Persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; and that these Three Persons are equal in Eternity, Substance, Power and Glory.
In the fullness of time God sent forth His Son, ever subsisting in Essential Deity; Who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, and was born of the Virgin Mary; so that our Lord Jesus Christ is very God and very man in one Complex Person.
Eternal and personal election unto salvation.
The fall of mankind in Adam - their guilt and condemnation - together with their entire and universal depravity, by which they were utterly alienated from God, and are unable in and of themselves to turn to him.
Particular redemption by the vicarious sacrifice of Christ.
Justification by grace, through faith, by the imputed righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Regeneration and sanctification by the direct agency of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of Divine Truth; and that saving faith is the sovereign and gracious gift of God.
The absolute necessity for a holy life, as the result of true faith and the evidence of regeneration.
The final perseverance of true believers.
The inerrancy of the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, as originally given, their full verbal inspiration by God and their supreme authority as the only rule of faith and practice.
The resurrection of the dead, and the universal judgment.
The everlasting punishment of the wicked, and the everlasting happiness of the righteous.
The duty of preaching the Gospel to every creature of the fallen race of Adam.
The necessity of baptism by immersion, on a profession of repentance and faith, in order to receive Church fellowship and admission to the Lord's Table.
The congregational order of the churches.
The personal and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
19 July 2007
Rehoboth Church is an evangelical church. As such we have a high view of Scripture which results in a distinct view of God and the gospel. As the new congregation in Angel, Islington is planted our pastor, Barry King, will be teaching two classes intended to help participants grasp the truths of Scripture in these two vitally important areas. The first class, "Introducing the God of the Bible," is scheduled to begin 4 September 2007 at 7:30 pm. The schedule will look something like this:
04 September 2007:
11 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is the one and only true God.
18 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is good.
25 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is the God of the whole earth.
02 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is active.
09 October 2007:
The God of the Bible has revealed himself through Jesus Christ.
16 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is just.
23 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is merciful.
The second class, "Explaining the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ," should begin 6 November 2007. The schedule for this class will be posted at a later date.
Each class session will last for one hour and will be followed by a time of fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee. Please make plans to attend these classes and to invite others to come along with you. We'll be looking for you.
04 September 2007:
11 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is the one and only true God.
18 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is good.
25 September 2007:
The God of the Bible is the God of the whole earth.
02 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is active.
09 October 2007:
The God of the Bible has revealed himself through Jesus Christ.
16 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is just.
23 October 2007:
The God of the Bible is merciful.
The second class, "Explaining the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ," should begin 6 November 2007. The schedule for this class will be posted at a later date.
Each class session will last for one hour and will be followed by a time of fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee. Please make plans to attend these classes and to invite others to come along with you. We'll be looking for you.
In a few days time volunteers will hit the streets of Angel, Islington to begin distributing copies of "Church: It's Not What It Seems" and inviting people to join us for our first worship service on 2 September 2007. Readers of this blog may be interested to read the tract here.
Most people will have heard of the church, but few have any idea of what the church really is. Throughout the centuries the church has experienced much opposition and open persecution, yet it has remained as a witness to the world. Many people have misconceptions about the church, based on preconceived ideas, but few have any real idea of its unique position in the world, let alone its origin.
What the church is not
When people hear the word “church” many automatically think of a large, old-looking building with a steeple on top. They picture stained-glass windows and pomp and ceremony, but this is not the true church. The reality goes much deeper than this! The fact is, the church is not a building of bricks and mortar at all. The true church is a people - a very privileged people indeed!
What the church is
The true church is a people who believe the Bible to be the word of God.
The Bible explains the origin and purpose of life. The Bible explains the truth of why the world is in the terrible state we see all around us. The Bible gives us the truth about mankind’s true condition and tells us how this affects our eternal destiny. Many people have their own ideas or are influenced by that which is currently taught by others. They just blindly follow the crowd. Only the Bible gives us the facts concerning man’s origin, purpose and destiny. It is vital that we let go of preconceived ideas and seek the truth where alone it can be found. Are you a seeker of truth? Then read the Bible. Seek the Lord while he may be found.
The true church is a people who see life as it really is
The Bible tells us that the human race, from the earliest days of its history, fell into disobedience and open rebellion against God, its creator. The tragic consequence of the fall affects each one of us born into the world to this day! It affects you, reader!
Have you ever asked yourself why the world is in such a mess? Look around you. What do you see? Wars, famine, greed, selfishness, crime, violence, hatred, ect. This is the human race as it really is! What a pathetic history fallen humanity has! The solemn fact is that everyone is born a member of this sinful race. In God’s sight we are all guilty! Reader, this is the first thing you must grasp. We have all gone our own way. This is sin, and God hates sin. The Bible tells us that God is holy and will one day judge this world. Each one will give an account before God. This is the second thing you must grasp: the reality of coming judgement. What can we say? We are guilty! God knows the history of each on of us. Sin is the cause of all the trouble in the world. It is in all of us.
The true church is a people saved by Jesus Christ
The Bible tells us that God sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world. He came on a mission, and that mission was to save. The Bible tells us “He shall save his people from their sins”. He was completely without sin and walked perfectly before God.
He died on the cross for sins that were not his own. He came to die! He laid down his life as part of a mission. He offered himself as a spotless sacrifice. He died as a substitute.
Jesus said “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”. The Bible tells us that he “loved the church and gave himself for it”. God raised Jesus from the dead as proof that he accepted the sacrifice Jesus made. God has declared Jesus to be the only saviour of sinners. And the Bible declares the church to be Christ’s purchased possession.
The true church is a people united to Christ
It is a people who have been made to feel their sinful condition before a holy God. They have come to a place of complete dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ. They are a forgiven people - a people saved from the penalty of sin. They are eternally united to Jesus Christ who is the head of the church - a privileged people indeed!
Reader, be warned!
Those without Christ will be eternally lost! The human race has no reason to feel proud. We should all feel ashamed of ourselves. Reader, do you feel your sins? Do you realize you cannot save yourself? To such, Jesus spoke these words: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”.
Reader, those who come to Jesus in repentance and faith shall be safe for time and eternity.
"Church: It's Not What It Seems" is used with the permission of Evangelical Tract Society.
Most people will have heard of the church, but few have any idea of what the church really is. Throughout the centuries the church has experienced much opposition and open persecution, yet it has remained as a witness to the world. Many people have misconceptions about the church, based on preconceived ideas, but few have any real idea of its unique position in the world, let alone its origin.
What the church is not
When people hear the word “church” many automatically think of a large, old-looking building with a steeple on top. They picture stained-glass windows and pomp and ceremony, but this is not the true church. The reality goes much deeper than this! The fact is, the church is not a building of bricks and mortar at all. The true church is a people - a very privileged people indeed!
What the church is
The true church is a people who believe the Bible to be the word of God.
The Bible explains the origin and purpose of life. The Bible explains the truth of why the world is in the terrible state we see all around us. The Bible gives us the truth about mankind’s true condition and tells us how this affects our eternal destiny. Many people have their own ideas or are influenced by that which is currently taught by others. They just blindly follow the crowd. Only the Bible gives us the facts concerning man’s origin, purpose and destiny. It is vital that we let go of preconceived ideas and seek the truth where alone it can be found. Are you a seeker of truth? Then read the Bible. Seek the Lord while he may be found.
The true church is a people who see life as it really is
The Bible tells us that the human race, from the earliest days of its history, fell into disobedience and open rebellion against God, its creator. The tragic consequence of the fall affects each one of us born into the world to this day! It affects you, reader!
Have you ever asked yourself why the world is in such a mess? Look around you. What do you see? Wars, famine, greed, selfishness, crime, violence, hatred, ect. This is the human race as it really is! What a pathetic history fallen humanity has! The solemn fact is that everyone is born a member of this sinful race. In God’s sight we are all guilty! Reader, this is the first thing you must grasp. We have all gone our own way. This is sin, and God hates sin. The Bible tells us that God is holy and will one day judge this world. Each one will give an account before God. This is the second thing you must grasp: the reality of coming judgement. What can we say? We are guilty! God knows the history of each on of us. Sin is the cause of all the trouble in the world. It is in all of us.
The true church is a people saved by Jesus Christ
The Bible tells us that God sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world. He came on a mission, and that mission was to save. The Bible tells us “He shall save his people from their sins”. He was completely without sin and walked perfectly before God.
He died on the cross for sins that were not his own. He came to die! He laid down his life as part of a mission. He offered himself as a spotless sacrifice. He died as a substitute.
Jesus said “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”. The Bible tells us that he “loved the church and gave himself for it”. God raised Jesus from the dead as proof that he accepted the sacrifice Jesus made. God has declared Jesus to be the only saviour of sinners. And the Bible declares the church to be Christ’s purchased possession.
The true church is a people united to Christ
It is a people who have been made to feel their sinful condition before a holy God. They have come to a place of complete dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ. They are a forgiven people - a people saved from the penalty of sin. They are eternally united to Jesus Christ who is the head of the church - a privileged people indeed!
Reader, be warned!
Those without Christ will be eternally lost! The human race has no reason to feel proud. We should all feel ashamed of ourselves. Reader, do you feel your sins? Do you realize you cannot save yourself? To such, Jesus spoke these words: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”.
Reader, those who come to Jesus in repentance and faith shall be safe for time and eternity.
"Church: It's Not What It Seems" is used with the permission of Evangelical Tract Society.
What kind of name is that? What does it mean? Why would a church choose such an obscure name?
Well, to start with, Rehoboth is a biblical name meaning "room." But the question remains. Why would a church choose such an obscure name?
When the patriarch Isaac was dwelling in Gerar he attempted to dig again the wells dug a generation earlier by his father Abraham. The inhabitants of that land, motivated by envy, claimed ownership of the wells and the water that came from them.
Isaac moved to a different place and dug another well. His enemies claimed that one too. He called the place Esek meaning "dispute." He moved yet again to a different place and dug another well. His enemies pursued and took possession of the new well. He called the place Sitnah meaning "opposition."
Finally, he came to a place where his enemies didn't trouble him. He dug a well, watered his flocks and herds, cultivated his crops and worshipped his God. He called the place Rehoboth. God had made room for him and God would, he believed by faith, bless him.
Many of the "wells" dug by our spiritual forefathers have been filled by false teaching and unbiblical practices. Efforts to dig them again inevitably result in disputes and opposition. So then, God has called us to dig new wells. Hence, we call our church Rehoboth.
Maybe you are still searching for your place. If you desire to be a part of a church striving to be biblical in all areas of belief and behaviour, Rehoboth's new congregation at Angel, Islington may be for you. There is room.
Well, to start with, Rehoboth is a biblical name meaning "room." But the question remains. Why would a church choose such an obscure name?
When the patriarch Isaac was dwelling in Gerar he attempted to dig again the wells dug a generation earlier by his father Abraham. The inhabitants of that land, motivated by envy, claimed ownership of the wells and the water that came from them.
Isaac moved to a different place and dug another well. His enemies claimed that one too. He called the place Esek meaning "dispute." He moved yet again to a different place and dug another well. His enemies pursued and took possession of the new well. He called the place Sitnah meaning "opposition."
Finally, he came to a place where his enemies didn't trouble him. He dug a well, watered his flocks and herds, cultivated his crops and worshipped his God. He called the place Rehoboth. God had made room for him and God would, he believed by faith, bless him.
Many of the "wells" dug by our spiritual forefathers have been filled by false teaching and unbiblical practices. Efforts to dig them again inevitably result in disputes and opposition. So then, God has called us to dig new wells. Hence, we call our church Rehoboth.
Maybe you are still searching for your place. If you desire to be a part of a church striving to be biblical in all areas of belief and behaviour, Rehoboth's new congregation at Angel, Islington may be for you. There is room.
18 July 2007
Rehoboth Church - an evangelical church in Wood Green in fellowship with the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East) - will plant a new congregation in Angel, Islington this September. The congregation will meet in the former Angel Baptist Church on Chadwell Street beginning 2 September 2007 at 10:00 am. Anyone interested in being a part of the new congregation is encouraged to attend.
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